Membership & Benifits
Members receive publications that are produced by the Society:
The Observer's Handbook is an annual guide to the night sky, containing over 200 pages of information on astronomical data and phenomena. It is essential to any person who wishes to keep up with the sky. Over ten thousand copies of The Handbook are sold annually to non-members, and hundreds of libraries around the world subscribe to this publication.
The Journal is issued six times a year, and contains articles of lasting interest to both amateur and professional astronomers, as well as educators and the general reader. In addition to scientific and special interest articles, the Journal contains news of Society activities.
SkyNews. This Canadian magazine, published by the National Museum of Science and Technology, is aimed at the novice and amateur astronomer with up-to-date star charts and current information. RASC Observer's Calendar. A forum for astrophotography by members of the Society. It features outstanding images and lists events observable across Canada. As a member of the Niagara Centre, you are entitled to two levels of membership benefits: National and Centre.
National Benefits
The annual Observer's Handbook, an invaluable aid to the study of the night sky.
The bimonthly Journal, containing a variety of articles on astronomy and Society news.
SkyNews magazine, a Canadian magazine for the novice and amateur astronomer.
Use of the Society's library of books, magazines and slides.
Participation in all the activities of the National Society and of the local Centre.
The satisfaction of supporting and participating in astronomical education and research.